
Thursday 24 October 2019

Why Fasting Makes Me Think Of Swiss Saxonia

Why Fasting Makes Me Think Of Swiss Saxonia:

Intermission fasting!

Which you might have heard of and I just recently, is a method to loose weight in an efficient, healthy and, this is most enticing, not so hard a way.
It basically follows two rules: Rule 1, eat what you want in a time window of 8 hours, Rule 2, don't eat anything in a time window of 16 hours.
I started intermission fasting 2 weeks ago and have already lost 3 kilos. True, every night I go to bed with this gnawing feeling in my insides and visions of deliciously laid out food in my mind, but these I learned to tolerate and ignore. The results are worth it.

One thing though which, as a side effect, keeps surprising me, is the clarity of mind, the lightness of soul and, that's why it reminds me of a day in the Swiss Saxonia this year (a rainy, misty day): the foggy, dreamlike yet lucid and benign quality of my mind drifting above earth.

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