Relational Mirroring
The world, so quantum physics tells us, is fundamentally made up of relations and events rather than permanent substances, it is better understood as a web of interactions and relations rather than objects. It, the world, and everything in it, really only exists because it is defined by the interactions and relations which everything has with everything else. Without these relations and interactions everything or anything would not exist because it would not have an effect. If something does not have an effect it can safely be regarded as non-existent. There is nothing that exists in itself, independently from anything else.
This is not only true of the, admittedly enigmatic world of quantum physics, it also holds true in our everyday life and the relations we humans have with each other. We only feel that we are truly living if we see us mirrored in the eyes of someone else, that is, to be recognized, to be noted, to be having an effect. Humans, being social herd animals, long to be recognized and mirrored by the herd, their fellow animals and even being falsely mirrored and only fragmentally pictured seems to be better than not being seen at all, of not having an effect. If one has no effect on anyone or anything, one might just as well not exist. We only truly live in a relational web, in a never-ending game of mirrors.
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