Memory and The Suspension of Disbelief:
I am what I am. And this is mainly due to what I remember.
Remembrance, memory, is the main ingredient that gives my life continuity and perspective. Memory provides the glue to bind together all the myriads of fragments of the millions of moments in my life that otherwise I would not be able to comprehend as a continuum.
Out of this mosaic I construct a coherent picture of myself and my life. Naturally the picture that is thus painted is singular and individual and may not even be true, but it serves as the picture, my picture, of myself, of what I am and of how I see myself in the context of my surroundings.
Memory functions as my own individual little time machine that enables me to become aware of my personal history, my joys and sorrows, my successes and failures that all combine to form that what is Me.
This story of Me can only be fully enjoyed, though, if I adopt the attitude of a theatergoer, a reader of tales or watcher of films, the attitude all storytellers rely on: For the duration of the show, suspend all disbelief.
#robertfaeth, #painterinBerlin, #painting, #art, #bookblog, #bookreviews, #literaturelover, #poem, #poetry