Thursday, 26 December 2019

‘Animals’ - poem


Have you forgotten what we were like then
when we were still first rate
and the day came fat with an apple in its mouth

it's no use worrying about Time
but we did have a few tricks up our sleeves
and turned some sharp corners

the whole pasture looked like our meal
we didn't need speedometers
we could manage cocktails out of ice and water

I wouldn't want to be faster
or greener than now if you were with me O you
were the best of all may days

                               Frank O'Hara (1926 - 1966))*


*Francis Russell "FrankO'Hara (March 27, 1926 – July 25, 1966) was an American writer, poet, and art critic. Because of his employment as a curator at the Museum of Modern Art, O'Hara became prominent in New York City's art world. O'Hara is regarded as a leading figure in the New York School, informal group of artists, writers, and musicians who drew inspiration from jazz, surrealism, abstract expressionism, action painting and contemporary avant-garde movements.

#robertfaeth, #painterinBerlin, #painting, #art, #bookblog, #bookreviews, #literaturelover, #poem, #poetry,

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