Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Old Fashioned Books Are Still Sexy

Old Fashioned Books Are Still Sexy:

for nearly 10 years now I do read books on an ebook reader and have always loved the easy, uncomplicated way to have all my books at hand and in such an easy to transport format. I never missed these things fans of old fashioned physical books seem to value so much. And then, today, I went into a second-hand bookstore, browsed the shelfs together with a friend, found a book I had on my list for a while, bought it, hard cover, top condition, for a ridiculously low price, 3 €.
I took it home, opened it, started to read and then it happened: My approach to the book changed, it differed from my usual approach when I open a book on my ebook reader and I realized that I had forgotten up to now how gravely the physical world’s interactions can enhance so simple an activity as reading a book. I, for some moments, rejoiced in this newfound physicalness, mainly the intensified intimateness, the sensual contact and friction of freshly cut and printed heavy paper on my fingertips, the smell, the touch, the feel, the heft the book gained just by it’s own gravitational force, the extra portion of profundity this weight in my hands lend to the book, imaginative or real.

Now don”t get me wrong: I will continue reading most of my books on an electronic device, it is easy, handy and not in the least lacking from the informative point of view. But what I rediscovered today was this: We do not read with our minds only, pure information is not everything and additional sensual input brings mind and body to work together pleasantly on this most enjoyable endeavor, the reading of a book.

#robertfaeth, #painterinBerlin, #paintings, #bookblog, #bookreviews, #literaturelover,

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